Saturday, October 1, 2011

Courageous and Integrity

We spent our Saturday morning doing something a bit unusual: going to a theater to see a movie!

It was part of a fund-raiser for Lighthouse Preparatory Academy here in Jeff City.

So, at 9AM, with the odor of freshly-popped corn in the atmosphere, Courageous, the new film from the producers of Fireproof entertained us for nearly two hours. As with the other films from the fine Baptists from Albany GA, there wasn't a dry eye in the theater once the ending credits began to roll.

The movie made me realize that there's nothing more important than loyalty and integrity. The five main characters pledged to each other, and their families, to be the fathers that the Lord expects them to be.

And that got me thinking about Patrik, the main father in Betrovia.

Even before his wife Dalneia died, he struggled with the concept of "fatherhood." Part two of the trilogy will present more of this struggle. The birth of his first child, Tamara, made him realize that he was no longer a boy, even more than having to take care of Pieter after their parents died. And even more than when he married Dalneia.

Yes, loyalty and integrity don't come easy; as Courageous presents, it's possible only through the power of the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. Was a great movie and will be good to see more godly character develop in Patric in book 2! :)
