Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I like Amazon KDP Select. But I also like Leanpub.

I still like Amazon's KDP Select program.

You know what I'm referring to. If you don't, then you've enjoyed living with your head in the sand much too long.

Yes, I'm serious! I really do still like what Amazon offers for indie authors.

But as one old proverbial prophet once said/wrote/preached/shouted from the rooftops: "Don't put all your eggs in one basket." This then is why I took Betrovia, the first book of trilogy, out of Select. Right now, Betrovia can be purchased as a paperback or an ebook via Amazon. It can also be found as an ebook via Smashwords, Kobo, Barnes and Noble and even the Apple ITunes store.

And as of a few days ago, there's one more place where the book can be purchased in PDF, EPUB or MOBI formats:!

I like Leanpub. The more I work with Leanpub's "social publishing" system, the more I like it. But who utilizes Leanpub to "get their stuff" into the hands of the knowledge-hungry, entertainment-driven populace?

For the most part, Leanpub has been around since 2009 to help computer programmers to disseminate their work.

Nothing wrong with that, right? If it wasn't for the free-software revolution that gave birth to Linux, etc. I might not be writing and publishing much of anything right now. (I've been using Ubuntu Linux here in the basement man-cave exclusively for over 2 years now!) As far as I can tell, the fine folks of are able to offer their services because of the money they make from the computer programmers who sell lots of their ebooks.

More power to them!

I've been tinkering with the Leanpub system for about a month now. I plan to take the rest of my published works out of KDP Select as soon as possible and add them to Leanpub as well.

Now, if you look at my Leanpub author page, you'll see a few other things that I am working on. This is the strength of Leanpub's social publishing system! Presently, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo and not even Smashwords offers this program!

Yes, I do like Leanpub.

Note: Below are the stories/novellas/novels that I've already published or plan to publish. I plan to have all of these listed on soon.

The Land of Betrovia
  1. Into The Desert
  2. Pieter's Adventure
  3. Harrig and Bet-Rove
  4. The Building of Ahnak
  5. Tamara and the Paintings
  6. Viktor the young Netherene
  7. A Noran Kidnapping
Series (Of at least 5 stories)

  1. Betrovia
  2. Lycentia: Harrak's Scrolls
  3. Ahnak: Edelin's Revelation

Other Works

The Colony of Xyklan (my first attempt at a YA sci-fi novel)

Short Stories
The Bridge: A Parable

Life in Beatty Short Story Collection (4 currently available with maybe 6 or more to come at a later date) 
  1. That Hoosiers Cap
  2. A Game of HORSE
  3. Pizza Surprise
  4. A Rusty Hook (The main character in this story is a 30-something adult who was a precocious teen in the three stories listed above)

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